Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts

AAK. World of Culture journal was included in the list of “recommended scientific publications for publication of the main results of dissertations in the Republic of Azerbaijan” at the meeting of the Presidium of the High Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 30, 2010.

ISSN 2221-7584. Since 2011, the journal has been published with the international standard series (ISSN).

DOI 10.52094. Since 2021, the scientific-theoretical complex “World of Culture” has registered in the digital search system “Crossref” and received 10.52094 DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

 e-ISSN 3005-9941. From December 2023, ADMIU’s “World of Culture” journal has received e-ISSN, which is an International Standard Serial Number.

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