Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts


The scientific-theoretical collection named “World of Culture” was founded in 1996. Over the years, the journal has been dedicated to scientific researches conducted in our republic and abroad in the field of culturology (now absent), art studies, museology, theater art, cinema, television and other screen arts, fine art, music art, philosophy, psychology and their teaching methodology. published scientific articles. Since 2011, the journal has been published with the international standard series (ISSN). The journal is published twice a year.

The scientific-theoretical collection “World of Culture” was included in the list of “recommended scientific publications for publishing the main results of dissertations in the Republic of Azerbaijan” at the meeting of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 30, 2010. The journal was re-registered in the Ministry of Justice on 25.12.2019 by order No. 4279.

Since 2021, the scientific-theoretical complex “World of Culture” has been registered in the digital search system “Crossref” and received DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number 10.52094.

Another innovation in 2022 was the placement of the collection ( in a social network where world scientists cooperate.